throughput of pipeline

英 [ˈθruːpʊt ɒv ˈpaɪplaɪn] 美 [ˈθruːpʊt əv ˈpaɪplaɪn]




  1. Field experiment results show that different volumes of DRA added can increase oil throughput of the pipeline and improve the safety of pipeline operation.
  2. The oil throughput of Tieling-Dalian Oil Pipeline is continuously decreased in recent years, which is called the low throughput problem.
  3. Analyzes actual throughput of Southern Oil Product Transport Pipeline and changing law of product's storage temperature, puts forward a plan for canceling or stopping diesel tank's heating vapor at initial or terminal stations.
  4. With the approaching of the late production period of the oilfields in east part of China, the throughput rate of Wei-Jing ( Weigang-Jingmen) Pipeline decreases progressively year after year, which requires an economical and rational transport mode.
  5. A Study on the Low Throughput Transportation of Oil Treated with PPD in Honghu& Jingmen Oil Pipeline
  6. Once the throughput, pipeline route and oil kinds are defined, the main factors, which influence the total cost of isothermal oil pipeline, are material, diameter and design pressure.
  7. Because the throughput of Northeast China pipeline networks is becoming lower, heat loss of pipelines is severe, especially just after paraffin removal.
  8. The elastic throughput was improved and the rigid pipeline changed into elastic when DRAs were used in the practical pipeline transportation. It also solved the outstanding problem of high energy consumption for long-distance, big-diameter pipeline.